Looking for exciting things to do? Learn how to make a beautiful fresh flower bouquet or arrangement!
Spend an invigorating afternoon unleashing your inner florist with a fantastic playlist, delicious refreshments and in a beautiful space that will inspire your creativity.
In this hands-on class, you will learn the basics of flower design and create a hand-tied bouquet / flower arrangement.
You'll be supplied with quality flowers that are perfect for learning, excellent, supportive instructors (we don't skimp on instructors... to provide hands-on teaching), plenty of tips and tricks and lots of practice to be able to create and arrange at home, on your own.
By the end of the class, take home a beautiful bouquet or arrangement of your own creation of fresh flowers, perfect for adding a pop of colour to your living room or space and of course the knowledge and experience of creating it.
Book your Workshop today by clicking the 'Buy Now' button below. After your purchase, one of our lovely staff will contact you in regards to further details.